Sunday 21 August 2011

u let her go, then it's ur loss man.


"there's so many fish in the sea, why mess with the one that's already been caught?"

nampak? tanda soal sebesar alam tanda aku berada dalam keadaan musykil yang amat. ditujukan kepada kaum sejenis aku dan kaum berlawanan jenis sebagai pesalah.

harap harap kipas yang berkelajuan maksima umpama kipas helikopter ni mampu menyejukkan hati aku yang sedang mendidih sekarang.

baru je ber'ym' dengan best fren aku. bla bla bla tanye khabar, pastu keluar cite pasal life dia sekarang. it's really shocking to discover that her 5 years-boyfriend is cheating on her! sori. aku kalau geram aku cakap bangla.

tak payah la aku cite detail.

my friend is the most lovable and sweetest girl i've ever met. bukan sekali dua she's been treated that way. too many times that i've lost count. yet, she's still holding on tightly to their relationship with hope the boy would change for good.

aku rase aku pon tak setabah dia.

hey boy, u let her go, it is ur effing loss man, seriously.

to that girl, please stop being a bitch. my friend is hurting.

sayang, i know u r strong. sabar. ALLAH takkan menduga hambaNya melebihi kemampuan mereka and HE is giving u a test. toksoh tiok lagi lah (baca: sudahlah menangis). ur tears are too valuable to be wasted for that jerk seriously.

i love you.


heyy chanthekk ! tak komen , langgar tiang ;pp

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